The Official io24hozzt Page

The Contest is over and the TOPic was EVIL! And finally the results are in!

If you want the games (all five of them), you can get them right here

Here are the scores and various comments of the games. The winner of the io24hozzt was Dunkinbean, and he wins the right to host the next one if he desires, and he also wins a chocolate chip cookie.

I must say one thing, this is the poorestly run contest I've ever seen, and that really sucks. I am terribly sorry for the delay in the results, but one judge never gave the results to me. I'm sorry, and I hope the next person who does this does a much better job, because I certainly did a poor one.

Yay, it’s something none of us have ever seen before, and probably never will see again. However, it is a good idea, and thus, it has happened. Have no idea what I’m talking about? Well, it’s the io24hozzt, or…”ibuki’s other 24 hours of zzt”. This is going to be a contest that is going to take place on Tuesday, December 28th to Wednesday the 29th. My current scheduled time is 7:00 PM EST (Easter Standard Time) to 7:00 PM EST. I know this overlaps with the Day of Zuex, but that's just the way things are...sorry.

I am currently in need of some participants. Feel free to sign-up by mailing me right now (or, you can just go to my home page and mail me from there, or find some other way of reaching me) by giving me your name and desired number. I hope this is fun for the people who participated…since this was made mainly for the people who missed the Winter 24hozzt.

Finally, if anyone has any idea for what the winner should get, do tell me…maybe even hosting the next one of these (Even though somehow I doubt there will be another one).

Rules - Well, of what few there are, it’s pretty much the same as any other 24hozzt. So…here goes.

You may team up, but more work is expected
Try to actually make a game
If one judge finds your game off topic, you will receive no points from him. If two find your game off topic, your game is disqualified.
Just because you participated in the winter 24hozzt ’99 doesn’t mean you can’t be in this too
By no means is any pre-made stuff allowed besides tool-kits and music
Please put name and number of entry on title screen of game
All games must be sent to relatively soon after the deadline.

Who’s in it?

There are currently 9 people in this thing

Skepty #234
BlacKat #Random
Phagus #Crackerz
HilBilly #147
Vork #7
ryosuke #freak
Team "Bluebocco" - Bocco & Bluegoo #fourty-two
Celestrial Avenger #cosmic
Dunkinbean #324

Go to a more useless sector.